Product Description
Nobody has ever been cured by psychoanalysis. There are people who have been under
psychoanalysis for ten years, fifteen years, twenty years, but there is not a single human being
who has gained any insight through psychoanalysis, or any wholeness, any depth, any peak.
People terminate psychoanalysis not because they have succeeded, but because their bank account
is finished. Psychoanalysts are the most highly paid people in the world – for nothing. It was going
to happen sooner or later, because nobody can be cheated forever.
My standpoint was that unless psychoanalysis has a soul… It is digging into dreams – which is an
absolutely futile, meaningless effort, because dreams are just on the surface of the mind. You close
your eyes and they start floating. Analyzing these dreams, you can never come to a conclusion; they
go on and on. Psychoanalysis is just concerned with the dreams and the mind. It does not believe
that there is something beyond the mind that is going to be its suicide, because your real source of
life is beyond the mind.
Mind is just a computer. You can program it, you can reprogram it, deprogram it, you can do anything
with it; it is a mechanism. It is not your being. And unless somebody reaches to his being, he is
wandering and wasting his life, he is simply vegetating. He has no depth, no peak experiences.
From my university days I have been fighting, first, with my professors of psychology and
psychoanalysis. Then, when I became a teacher in the university, I was fighting with my colleagues
who were in the same department. But man’s blindness, deafness, dumbness, seems to be
The materialist believes only in the body. The psychoanalyst believes in the mind as a by-product of
the body: when the body dies the mind disappears also. So what are you doing? – torturing people
unnecessarily. Neither the mind is going to be your eternal friend, nor the body. Just use them, but
don’t forget there is a witness within you
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