Product Description
I have been saying the same thing for almost twenty years, and my every meeting is an international
conference. But I don’t have the power; I am not a politician.
I would like Mr. Rajiv Gandhi to understand the implications of what he is saying. I support him with
my whole heart, but the question is: Who is going to begin it?
If I had the power, India would have been the first nation in the world to dissolve its armies, to drown
all its armaments, to dissolve all distinctions of caste and religion and race.
I would like to know from Mr. Rajiv Gandhi: Can you practice what you are preaching? And if you
cannot practice it, please don’t preach nonsense.
You have the power, you have the idea – now go ahead! Somebody has to begin it. Don’t wait for
somebody else to begin. And the idea is yours – take the risk! You are young enough, intelligent,
have guts. Take the risk and begin to act on what you are saying. Let India be the first nation to
dissolve all distinctions and become part of one earth, one world.
Perhaps Rajiv Gandhi has not looked into the implications, and I am wondering why nobody stood
up at that international conference and asked him, ”If this is your idea then start it. Take the risk.”
There is no evolution in the world without any risk.
I am reminded of an old story which I have refined, and I go on refining.
You must know – and Mr. Rajiv Gandhi must know the old story, but he may not be aware of the
refinement, so I have to repeat it.
The old story is … for millions of years international conferences of mice have been discussing the
problem: How to be safe and secure against the cats? And they have always, without fail, come to
the conclusion that there is only one solution. A bell should be put around the neck of the cat. A
good idea, because the bell will make the mice aware that the cat is coming, and they can simply
slip into their holes.
But the problem is: Who is going to tie a bell around the neck of the cat? And there all international
conferences ended.
And here comes my refinemen
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