Product Description
Only that which is attained through effortlessness will never be a burden to you, and only that which
is not a burden can be eternal. Only that which is not in any way unnatural can remain with you
forever and forever.
Chuang Tzu says that the real, the divine, the existential, is to be attained by losing yourself
completely in it. Even the effort to attain it becomes a barrier – then you cannot lose yourself.
Even the effort to lose yourself becomes a barrier.
How can you make any effort to lose yourself? All effort is born out of the ego, and through effort
ego is strengthened. Ego is the disease. So all effort has to be left completely, nothing is to be done;
one has to lose oneself completely in the existential. One has to become again like a small child,
just born, not knowing what is right, not knowing what is wrong, not knowing any distinctions. Once
distinctions enter, once you know this is right and that is wrong, you are already ill, and you are far
away from reality.
A child lives naturally – he is total. He does not make any effort, because making an effort means
you are fighting with yourself. A part of you is for and a part of you is against – hence the effort.
You can achieve much, remember. In this world, particularly, you can achieve much through effort
because effort is aggression, effort is violence, effort is competition. But in the other world nothing
can be achieved through effort, and those who start with effort finally have also to drop it.
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