Product Description
Only some negative things can be said – that I am trying to destroy the mind; that I have come to
destroy, not to fulfill… because unless the old mind is destroyed utterly, the new will not be born. It
is out of destruction that creativity arises. It is out of death that life blooms.
My whole work here consists in destroying the mind, its hold upon you; in destroying the roots of the
mind so that you can be free in each moment of your life, so that you can be without a past. To be
with a past is to be in a prison. The bigger the past, the more you are burdened with it. The more
you are burdened with the past, the more you become in-capable of living in the present. Then the
present is only a word – you don’t experience it. And truth is always in the present. Past is only
memory, and future imagination. One is no more; one has yet to be. Between the two is this small
precious moment.
And you can be in contact with this precious moment only if there is no mind. Mind means past and
future. Either the mind thinks of that which has gone, or of that which is to come; either of yesterdays
or of tomorrows.
Jesus says to his disciples: Look at the lilies in the field – how beautiful they are! Even Solomon
in all his glory was not arrayed as one of these. And they spin not, they weave not, they work not.
They don’t think of the morrow… What is the beauty of the lilies in the field? They live in the present.
Except for man, the existence knows no past, no future. Except for man, there is no misery. Except
for man, there is no hell.
By destroying your mind and your past, I am bringing you back home so Adam can enter again into
the Garden of Eden.
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