Product Description
The question is, is enlightenment something to be achieved, desired, longed for? If so, then
there must be practices, disciplines, rituals, and the whole paraphernalia. And millions of people
have gone astray in search of enlightenment. Buddha is the first human being who has said that
everything is absolutely arbitrary because you need not go anywhere. Enlightenment is your very
It is consciousness that you are built with; this house, this body is not you. And this mind also is not
you. And there is not much problem to stand aside and watch the mind and its functioning, to stand
aside and watch the gestures of the body. This watcher is your reality, your truth. It is already here,
so don’t go in search somewhere else. Whenever, wherever you find it, you will always find it here
and now. Now is the time and here is the space. If you can be now here, you are a Gautam Buddha.
I have heard a small story about a man who was a great atheist. The whole day he was arguing
against religion, against all kinds of superstitions. He had written in his sitting room in big letters:
Then a small child was born to him.
One day the small child was looking at the writing. He was just learning to write, learning the
alphabet, so he could not manage to read GOD IS NOWHERE; on the contrary, he read: GOD IS
NOW HERE – nowhere can be divided into two.
The father heard it and was amazed. He had never thought about it, that ‘nowhere’ consists of ‘now’
and ‘here’.
The small child changed the man’s whole approach; he started thinking about now and here. And
he was puzzled… because he has never been now; his mind has been wandering in the past or in
the future, but never now, never in the present.
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