Product Description
Man stands today so fragmented, so divided, that it is almost a miracle how we are managing to keep
ourselves together. The whole energy is exhausted in just keeping ourselves together, because we
are constantly falling apart.
The greatest need of the day it to get beyond this schizophrenia, to get beyond all divisions, to reach
to the ”one” which is neither this nor that, which is neither East nor West, which is neither man nor
woman. That ”one” has been called by the mystics God, truth, MOKSHA, NIRVANA, the absolute,
Dhamma, Logos, Tao – different names but pointing to the same one reality. It was possible up to
now somehow to go on living in a schizophrenic way, but now it is no longer possible.
We have come to a point where the decision has to be made. If we want to exist we have to create
a synthesis, or rather a transcendence, of all dualities. If we don’t want to exist then there is no
problem. If we want to commit a global suicide, then of course all problems are solved – but I don’t
think anybody wants or desires a global suicide.
Man has achieved much in spite of all kinds of madness. Man has reached many peaks: religious,
aesthetic, poetic, musical. And all this has happened in spite of all kinds of madness that we go
on supporting, nourishing, because the vested interests don’t want you to be united and one; the
vested interests want you to remain divided.
When Rudyard Kipling said, ”East is East, and West is West, and never the twain shall meet,” he
was giving expression to all the vested interests. They want the world to remain divided, they want
man to remain divided – into many religions, philosophies, political ideologies, in every possible
way they would like you not to become one. Why? – because the man who is integrated and
one is impossible to enslave. He cannot be exploited by the priests or by the politicians. In fact,
he becomes absolutely free from all possibilities of exploitation and oppression. He becomes an
individual, he becomes rebellious, he becomes intelligent. He becomes so sharp and clear that he
can see through all superstitions, howsoever old and ancient. He can see the stupidity in which
humanity has lived – and not only lived in but glorified. He can see the foolishness of nationalities,
the utter nonsense of so many religions in the world.
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