Product Description
Tao is a peerless word. Try to understand its full meaning so we can proceed with ease. There are
many meanings of Tao. The deeper a thing becomes, the more meanings it develops; and when a
thing becomes multi-dimensional, it is but natural that it becomes more intricate. One interpretation
of Tao is: ”The Way.” But, all paths are bound and fixed! What sort of a path is Tao? It is like the path
that a bird makes; in the skies as it flies – the path is formed but it is not fixed. All other paths leave
their marks behind, which makes it easy for others to follow. Tao is a path like the bird makes in
the skies – there are no footprints left behind for the convenience of others to follow. If we visualize
a path that is unconstructed, a path where there are no footprints, a path that no other person can
create for you – you travel and as you travel the path is formed – then we can interpret Tao as: ’The
Way’. But such a path we see nowhere! Therefore, is it proper to call Tao – ’The Way’?
This however, is one dimension of Tao. Now let us take another meaning of the Path. A path is that
which takes us to a destination. A path is that which joins us to the destination. But Tao is not such
a path. When we walk along a road and reach the destination, both the road and the destination
are connected to each other. In fact the destination is the last end of the road and the road is the
beginning of the destination. Therefore, the path and the goal are not two different things – they are
joined allied to one another. The road cannot be without a destination, nor can the destination be
without a road. But Tao is a path that is tied to no destination. When a destination is connected with
a path, the length of the journey is known. So the traveller knows the distance to the destination. But
Tao is such a path where the traveller attains his destination at the very place he stands! Therefore,
Tao cannot be likened to the general concept of a path. It is a path where we attain the destination
from the very place we stand upon. It can also be that we travel for millions of births and not attain
it. Invariably then, Tao is a different kind of a path. So one meaning of Tao is ’The Path’ but in a very
intrinsic sense – and with very many conditions.
Another interpretation of Tao is ’Religion’. But Religion not in the sense that we generally
understand. Religion here is what the ancient Rishis meant. Religion means the Regulation that
holds all within itself. The Ultimate Law that holds all Existence, is the Tao Religion. And this Religion
is not akin to the Hindu, Islam or the Buddhist and Jain religions. Religion is the Absolute Law of
Existence. Religion means the Eternal Law of Life. But all laws are limited. Tao is a Law that has no
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