Product Description
But the moment you open the door, you are not there. Existence is, being is, but you are not. The
way you have known yourself up to now is no longer there, and what is there cannot be named,
cannot be defined. It is all and everything… it is the very essence of existence.
You will not be there as you think yourself to be.
If you are there, then the guest cannot enter in.
In fact, the guest can come only when it becomes a certainty that you are ready to disappear. Your
disappearance is the appearance of that which you have been seeking all along. This is a paradox:
when the sought is found, the seeker is lost.
There are these words of Jesus – in some sense significant, but in a very much deeper way, not
right. He says, ”Seek, and ye shall find” – just a small sentence, ”Seek, and ye shall find” – and
every word is wrong, because if seeking continues, there is desire, there is longing. Seeking must
stop, must disappear. ”Seek, and ye shall find it.” You cannot find it; it will be found, but you cannot
be the finder.
And it is the same with the other sentences that follow. They are beautiful sentences, very poetic –
”Ask, and it shall be given to you” – but every word is wrong. Unless you stop asking, nothing can
be given to you. Ask, and you will go on missing; stop asking, and it is there. It has always been
there – you could not see it because your eyes were so full of asking. ”Ask, and it shall be given to
you” – again, to YOU? To you, nothing is possible; you are the barrier, you are the hindrance. You
have to dissolve into the whole, just like a dewdrop disappears in the ocean.
And the third sentence is also beautiful: ”Knock, and the door shall be opened unto you.” But all the
words are wrong. You are not to knock; even that much effort on your part will not allow you to be
totally relaxed. And the door is not closed, so there is no need to knock. If you are knocking, it must
be before a wall, not before a door. The door of the divine is always open; you just go on knocking
here and there.
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