Product Description
GAUTAM THE BUDDHA IS THE GREATEST MASTER who has ever walked on the earth. Christ
is a great Master, so is Krishna, so is Mahavir, so is Mohammed, and many more – but Buddha
still remains the greatest Master. Not that his achievement of Enlightenment is greater than
anybody else’s – Enlightenment is neither less nor more – he has attained to the same quality
of consciousness as Mahavir, as Christ, as Zarathustra, as Lao Tzu.
There is no question of any Enlightened man being more Enlightened than anybody else. But as far
as his being a Master is concerned, Buddha is incomparable – because, through him, thousands of
people have attained to Enlightenment. It has never happened with any other Master. His line has
been the most fruitful line. His family has been the most creative family up to now. He is like a big
tree with so many branches – and EACH branch has been fruitful; each branch is loaded with many
Mahavir remained a local phenomenon. Krishna fell into the hands of scholars and was lost. Christ
was completely destroyed by the priests. Much could have happened, but it didn’t happen. Buddha
has been tremendously fortunate in this. Not that the priests have not tried, not that the scholars
have not tried they have done all that they can do but somehow Buddha’s teaching was devised in
such a way that it could not be destroyed. It is still alive. Even after twenty-five centuries, a few
flowers come on his tree, it still blooms. Spring comes, and still it releases fragrance, it still bears
Saraha is also a fruit of the same tree. Saraha was born about two centuries after Buddha. He was
in the direct line of a different branch. One branch moves from Mahakashyap to Bodhidharma and
Zen is born – and it is still full of flowers, that branch. Another branch moves from Buddha to his son,
Rahul Bhadra, and from Rahul Bhadra to Sri Kirti, and from Sri Kirti to Saraha, and from Saraha to
Nargarjuna – that is the Tantra branch. It is still bearing fruit in Tibet.
Tantra converted Tibet, and Saraha is the founder of Tantra just as Bodhidharma is the founder of
Zen. Bodhidharma conquered China, Korea, Japan. Saraha conquered Tibet
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