Product Description
Something certainly is dissolving in everyone, more or less, except those few unfortunate ones who
stand on the bank of a river and remain thirsty. But what is dissolving is not your reality; it is the
unreal in which your reality has been repressed, covered. Once the unreal dissolves, the false
disappears. Suddenly, you will have for the first time, an inner experience of sunrise – light all over
the inner horizon of your sky.
”Discourse comes and it just expands.” Spirituality is very contagious; if there are so many people
around you in the same space, it helps tremendously. And if someone who has come back home is
amongst you, his very presence starts giving you the direction, the dimension in which you have to
expand, move, melt, merge.
”Discourse comes and it just expands to fill the silence.” Perhaps this is the only place on the whole
earth where so many people are sitting in immense silence – not only on the outside but inside too.
And silence gives space. Words, thoughts, are all disturbances.
Silence is an opening to the infinite.
You can expand to infinity – it all depends on your courage. And courage also comes as your
experience grows, as you see that the more you expand, the more beautiful life becomes; the more
you expand, the more love showers on you; the more you expand… everything takes on a new
psychedelic dimension. It becomes more colorful, more alive, more dancing. The ordinary world
suddenly starts changing into something extraordinary. The mundane becomes the sacred. And
these are the most significant moments in life – when the mundane becomes sacred.
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