Product Description
Violence is a disease of human beings, but it is not so for beasts. For beasts, it is their nature.
There is no possibility of nonviolence at the level of beasts. That is why they haven’t got any idea
of violence. Violence is the disease which man bas inherited from beasts, and it is a disease
obstructing his evolving consciousness. It can be said that one who is not willing to wipe out one’s
past, is refusing his evolution. If I continue to remain what I was yesterday, it means, my ’today’ is
wasted. If I wish to make progress, there is no other way for me but to go beyond my yesterday.
The past must be transcended. The ’past’ of man is his beasthood, and the ’future’ leads him to
god-hood. But one who does not transcend beasthood, cannot enter the temple of God. But one
who desires to achieve the ’future’ – to attain God – has to die everyday towards the past, become
diseased. That disease is like this: suppose a child who has put on his clothes, refuses to cast them
away even when he grows up. Change in clothes is quite necessary along with the growth of body.
A child s clothes are all right for a child but they would be quite ill-suited, pain-giving and would be
like a prison for a young person.
Beasthood is the ’past’ of man. We all have travelled through that stage. This fact is confirmed by the
scientists as well as the spiritualists. Darwin declared a few years ago that man has descended from
beast. But thousands of years before Darwin, here in India, Mahavira, Buddha and Krishna have
announced to the world that man’s soul has evolved from beasts The last link of man was beast.
Man-hood is a state of transit, he is like a bridge from where the beast passes and is transformed
into godhood.
As we shall go deeper and deeper within, we shall experience that the past is very heavy because it
is a known thing. It is not easy to be free from it, to get rid of it is not so easy
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