Product Description
Dreamers can relax very easily. In fact it is very difficult for them
to be active; laziness comes very easy to them. Whenever there is
an opportunity they can fall asleep; activity is difficult. To you
activity is not difficult and if you are not physically active then you
are mentally active. That’s why listening to me or listening to the
tape helps you to relax because is goes on boggling your mind.
You cannot think: it absorbs you totally. Nothing is left to think
about. It magnetises your whole attention. It takes your whole
mind so nothing is left behind; there is emptiness. Then you can
Just being close to me you will be able to relax utterly. And it is
not that I turn people into inactive people — no, not at all; I put
them to activity. But I take the actor away from them. The doer is
taken away but not the doing. That’s what you need: you need
action without any tension. And that is a difficult thing.
It is easy to be non-tense when you are not active. It is easy to be
active but then you are tense, you are not relaxed. Relaxation
alone is easy, action with tension is easy, and the whole point is to
be active and yet relaxed. That is the synthesis that is needed.
So this will be the right opportunity for you. Manage things so you
can come back. A few difficulties are always there; finish them.
Just by being here you will start relaxing because there is nothing
to worry about. And all those great ideas that go on wandering in
your mind I can put to use! They need to be implemented. And
they will bring you joy because they can become creative.
Remember this: whenever there are great ideas in the mind if you
don’t put them to use they will torture you, they will become your
worries. If you put them to use, if you become creative, if you start
transforming those ideas into reality then they will not be worries.
They will bring great joy to you.
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