Product Description
UNLESS AMBITION IS KILLED, you will remain in misery. Ambition is the source of all miseries.
What is ambition? ’A’ wants to be ’B’, the poor wants to be rich, the ugly wants to be beautiful.
Everyone longs to be someone else, something other than what he is. No one is content with
himself. That’s what ambition is.
Whatsoever you are, you are not content with it. This is ambition. Then you are bound to be in
misery, because you cannot be anything else. You can only be yourself; nothing else is possible. All
else is just futile, harmful, dangerous. You can waste your whole life, your whole existence.
Whatsoever you are, you are. Accept it; don’t desire it to be otherwise. This is what nonambition
means. Nonambitiousness is basic to all spiritual transformation, because once you accept yourself,
many things start happening. But the first thing…. If you accept yourself totally, the first thing that
happens to you is a nontense life. There is no tension. You don’t want to be anything else; there
is nowhere else to go. Then you can be here and now. There is no comparison. You yourself are
unique. You no longer think in terms of others.
Then there is no future. Ambition needs future, it needs space to grow. It cannot grow here and
now; there is no space. This moment is so small, so atomic. Ambition needs the future; and the
greater the ambition, the greater the future that is needed.
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