Product Description
I look at you and am convinced of one thing, that you once had something – some treasure, some
symmetry, some secret, some key – but you have lost it. Every moment, asleep or awake, you
are always busy looking for something. It is quite possible you do not know exactly what you are
searching for and that you are unaware of what you have lost, but I see the hunger in your eyes. It
is apparent in every beat of your heart.
This quest has been going on for countless lives. Sometimes you call it the search for truth. But you
have never known truth, so how can you lose it? And sometimes you call it the search for God. But
your meeting with Him has never taken place, so how can you be separated from Him? You go in
search to the temples, to the mosques, to Kashi and to Mecca; you knock on every door you come
across in the hope you will find what you have lost. But as long as you do not know exactly what it
is you have lost your search cannot be fulfilled. Your own experience will tell you the same thing –
you have knocked on many doors, but you have always returned empty-handed. The doors are not
to be blamed for this. Before you set out in search you should know what it is you are looking for,
what it is you have lost.
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