Product Description
So those who approach God aggressively are the rapists. They may bring the physical body of God
under their control; they may dissect and analyze nature manifesting all around, they may discover
some of its secrets, but the discovery will be as trivial as someone attacking and raping a woman.
The man may succeed in securing the woman’s body, but such an achievement is not worth a straw
because he won’t be able to even touch her soul. And if the soul has remained untouched, the
possibility of love that is hidden within her, the hidden seed of her love can never sprout. Her love
can never shower upon him.
Science is an act of rape. It is an assault on nature – as if nature were some kind of an enemy, as if
it has to be conquered, defeated. That’s why science believes in cutting things into pieces. Analysis,
destruction; it believes in dissection.
If you were to tell a scientist, ”The flower is beautiful,” he will immediately sit down and start pulling
apart the flower, dissecting it, analyzing it. He has no idea that in the very tearing of it into pieces,
the beauty of the flower disappears. The flower looked beautiful in its wholeness, but when divided
into parts, it lost its beauty. Of course, in doing the analysis the scientist can find out the chemical
elements contained in the flower; he may show the substance, the minerals the flower is made of.
He may place them in different bottles and label them accordingly. But he won’t be able to say,
”Here is a bottle which contains the beauty once present in the flower,” because the beauty will have
disappeared already. By making an assault on the flower, you will only come upon its body, not the
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