Product Description
Life is full of complications. Even when we are born there is a string attached. The
greatest complication, the source of all complications is unawareness, unconsciousness.
We are focused on the objective world and we are totally unaware who we are.
The whole message of Gautama the Buddha is to turn in. The message is simple, but the
implementation is arduous. It is arduous because for many many lives we have lived
outwardly, we have lived the life of an extrovert. We have completely forgotten how to
relate with our own beings, how to be with ourselves. We have forgotten the path, the
language, the method. Not only that, we have become completely oblivious that there is
an interiority to us. We think as if we have only an outside. Now that is stupid. The
outside can exist only with an inside; without the inside the outside is impossible. If we
can see out, we can also see in. In fact, to see in is easier because it is there that we are
But never seeing in, we go on rushing in all directions, doing all kinds of things, not
knowing why, just because others are doing them. We are imitating, following. We
become carbon copies. That’s the most ugly thing in life: to be a carbon copy. Man can
never be blissful unless he is original, unless he knows his original face.
I have heard a very beautiful story. It may be true, it may not be true. Its truth is not
historical but, far more significant, it is metaphorical.
The story is: Alexander the Great was on his way to India. He met a fakir sitting by the
roadside with a round, small, crystal-like object in his hand.
“What’s that?” inquired Alexander.
“I will not tell you,” said the fakir, “but I will bet you that it is heavier than all your gold,
silver and jewels.”
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