Product Description
I see man engulfed in deep darkness. He has become like a house whose lamp has been snuffed
out on a dark night. Something in him has been extinguished. But a lamp that has been extinguished
can be relit.
I see as well that man has lost all direction. He has become like a boat that has lost its way on the
high seas. He has forgotten where he wants to go and what he wants to be. But the memory of
what has been forgotten can be re-awakened in him.
Although there is darkness there is no cause for despair. The deeper the darkness, the closer the
dawn. In the offing I see a spiritual regeneration for the whole world. A new man is about to be born
and we are in the throes of his birth. But this regeneration needs the cooperation of each of us. It is
to happen through us and through us alone. We cannot afford to be mere spectators. We must all
prepare for this rebirth within ourselves.
The approach of that new day, of that dawning, will only happen if we fill ourselves with light. It is
up to us to turn that possibility into a reality. We are all bricks of the edifice of tomorrow and we are
the rays of light out of which the future sun will be born. We are creators not just spectators. The
need, however, is not only for the creation of the future, it is for the creation of the present itself, it
is for the creation of ourselves. It is by creating himself that man creates humanity. The individual
is the component of society and both evolution and revolution can take place through him. You are
that component.
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