Product Description
TAO MEANS TRANSCENDENCE – transcendence of all duality, transcendence of all polarity
transcendence of all opposites. Tao is the ultimate synthesis – the synthesis of man and woman, of
positive and negative, life and death, day and night, summer and winter.
But how does this synthesis become possible? How has one to grow into that ultimate synthesis? A
few things have to be understood….
First, the principle of yin, the principle of femininity, is like a ladder a ladder between hell and heaven.
You can go to hell through it and you can go to heaven through it; the direction will differ but the ladder
will be the same. That ladder is the principle of yin, the principle of femininity. Nothing happens
without the woman. The energy of the woman is the ladder of the lowest and of the highest, of the
darkest valley and of the lightest peak. This is one of the fundamental principles of Tao. It has to be
understood in detail. Once it gets rooted in your heart things will become very simple.
It will be good to go into the symbol of Adam and Eve.
The world does not start with Adam, it starts with Eve. It is through Eve that the serpent persuades
Adam to disobey. The serpent could not persuade Adam directly – it is as if there is no direct way to
the man. If you want to reach the man you have to go through the woman. The woman functioned
as a medium for the evil.
Then again, when Christ is born, he is born out of the Virgin Mary. The Christ Child is born out of
virgin femininity . out of virgin yin. The highest enters through the woman.
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