Product Description
It is like the navel in the body of man. If you go to the surgeon and ask him what the purpose of
the navel is in the body, and if he dissects the body, he will not find any purpose the navel seems
almost useless. What is the purpose of the navel? It WAS purposeful when the child was in the
womb: its purpose was that it related the child to the mother, it connected the child with the mother.
But now the child is no longer in the womb – the mother may have died, the child has become old
now what is the purpose of the navel? It has a transcendental purpose; the purpose is not in itself.
You will have to look everywhere, all around, to find the indication – where it indicates. It indicates
that the man was once a child, that the child was once in the womb of a mother, that the child was
connected with the mother. This is just a mark that the past has left.
As the navel shows something about the past, a parable shows something about the future. It
shows that there is a possibility of growing, of being connected with existence. Right now that is
only a possibility, it is not actual. If you just dissect the parable it becomes an ordinary story. If
you don’t dissect it but just drink the meaning of it, the poetry of it, the music of it – forget the story
and just carry the significance of it – soon you will see that it indicates towards a future, towards
something which can be but is not yet. It is transcendental.