Product Description
All the mystics all over the world have always felt impotent as far as communication is concerned.
Communion is possible, but communication, no. This has to be understood from the very beginning.
A communion is a totally different dimension: two hearts meet, it is a love affair. Communication is
from head to head; communion is from heart to heart, communion is a feeling. Communication is
knowledge: only words are given, only words are said, and only words are taken and understood.
And words are such: the very nature of words is so dead that nothing alive can be related through
them. Even in ordinary life, leave aside the ultimate, even in ordinary experiencing when you have
a peak moment, an ecstatic moment, when you really feel something and become something, it
becomes impossible to relate it in words.
In my childhood I used to go early in the morning to the river. It is a small village. The river is very
very lazy, as if not flowing at all. And in the morning when the sun is not yet arisen, you cannot see
whether it is flowing, it is so lazy and silent. And in the morning when there is nobody, the bathers
have not come yet, it is tremendously silent. Even the birds are not singing in the morning – early,
no sound, just a soundlessness pervades. And the smell of the mango trees hangs all over the river.
I used to go there, to the furthest corner of the river, just to sit, just to be there. There was no need
to do anything, just being there was enough, it was such a beautiful experience to be there. I will
take a bath, I will swim, and when the sun will arise I will go to the other shore, to the vast expanse
of sand, and dry myself there under the sun, and lie there, and sometimes even go to sleep.
When I came back my mother used to ask, ”What have you been doing the whole morning?” I
will say, ”Nothing,” because, actually, I had not been doing anything. And she will say, ”How is it
possible? Four hours you have not been here, how is it possible that you have not been doing
anything? You must have been doing something.” And she was right, but I was also not wrong
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