Product Description
The relationship is dangerous. It is dangerous because the closer you come to God, the more
and more you evaporate. And when you have come really close you are no more. It is dangerous
because it is suicidal… but the suicide is beautiful. To die in God is the only way to live really.
Until you die, until you die voluntarily into love, you live an existence which is simply mediocre; you
vegetate, you don’t have any meaning. No poetry arises in your heart, no dance, no celebration;
you simply grope in the darkness. You live at the minimum, you don’t overflow with ecstasy.
That overflow happens only when you are not. You are the hindrance. Sufism is the art of removing
the hindrance between you and you, between the self and the self, between the part and the whole.
A few things about this word ’Sufi’. An ancient Persian dictionary has this for the entry ’Sufi’… the
definition given goes in rhyme: SUFI CHIST – SUFI, SUFIST. WHO IS A SUFI? A SUFI IS A SUFI.
This is a beautiful definition. The phenomenon is indefinable. ’A Sufi is a Sufi.’ It says nothing and
yet it says well. It says that the Sufi cannot be defined; there is no other word to define it, there
is no other synonym, there is no possibility of defining it linguistically, there is no other indefinable
phenomenon. You can live it and you can know it, but through the mind, through the intellect, it is
not possible. You can become a Sufi – that is the only way to know what it is. You can taste the
reality yourself, it is available. You need not go into a dictionary, you can go into existence.
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