Product Description
The pope pretends to be infallible. He has to pretend it, because the logic is that he represents
Jesus Christ: if he is fallible then Jesus Christ is fallible. Jesus Christ represents God: if he is fallible
then God is fallible. To make God infallible you have to make Polacks infallible, for the sheer sake of
logic – it has no existential truth in it.
His trip around the world is political, it is not religious. It has nothing to do with spirituality. It is
an effort to convert more and more people to the Catholic church, because numbers mean power.
Particularly in a world which is ruled by mobocracy, numbers are the greatest power. Now the pope
has six hundred million Catholics in the world, and they are increasing every day. But the conversion
of people to Catholicism is not conversion to spiritualism….
Islam used to convert people forcibly, with a sword in one hand, a naked sword, and in another
hand, the holy KORAN. You could choose. Now, it is very difficult for human beings to choose a life
of something which they don’t agree with, but they had to choose it because it was not a question
of choosing between two doctrines, two philosophies: it was a choice between life and death. Life is
good – and who cares about the KORAN?
Mohammedans have converted millions of people just by forcing them with the sword; their only
argument was the sword. Now the world has changed; its strategies have changed. If you go to
somebody with a sword you will be imprisoned.
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