Product Description
This is the first thing to be understood, and the more deeply you understand it, the more possibility
will be available to me to indicate towards it. Whatsoever I am saying is not the Truth. It cannot be.
Through words, only a situation can be created in which Truth may be possible. But that too one can
never be definite about. It is unpredictable. No cause can be produced for it to happen – it happens
when it happens. The only thing that can be done is to become available to it. Your doors should
be open. When it knocks at your door, you should be present there. If you are present, available,
receptive, it can happen. But remember, through scriptures, through the words of the Enlightened
Ones, you cannot attain it.
So the first thing is that it cannot be said. And every Master has to create an indirect situation, has to
push you towards the Unknown. All that he is saying is just pushing you towards that which cannot
be said.
The second thing, before we can understand Kakua and this beautiful Zen story: the real teaching
defies words but it cannot defy the heart. If there were a language of the heart, it could be said
through it. But the heart has no language, silence is the only language of the heart.
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