Product Description
Religion is not any ideology. Religion does not believe in any ideals. Religion is to become aware of
the impossibility of idealism – of all idealism. Religion is to live here and now, and idealism goes on
conditioning your mind to live somewhere else. And only the now exists. There is no other way to
The only way is to be here. You cannot be there. The tomorrow is non-existent, it never comes,
and idealism believes in the tomorrow. It sacrifices the today at the altar of the tomorrow. It goes on
saying to you, ’Do something – improve yourself. Do something – change yourself. Do something –
become perfect.’ It appeals to the ego.
Idealism belongs to the world of the ego. It appeals to the ego that you can be more perfect than
you are; in fact you should be more perfect than you are. But each moment is perfect, and it cannot
be more perfect than it is.
To understand this is the beginning of a new life, is the beginning of life. To miss this is to commit
Then you go on destroying this moment for the moment which never comes. Then you go on
destroying this life for some life which exists nowhere.
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