Product Description
There is a slight difference between the two and there is a little similarity between the two also.
Actually the field of each extends into the other. Shaktipat is the energy of the divine. In fact, there
is no other energy except the energy of the divine. In shaktipat, however, a person functions as a
medium. Although ultimately the person is also a part of the divine, in the initial stage the individual
functions as a medium.
It is just like the lightning that flashes across the sky and the electric light that lights the house: they
are the same but the light that burns in the house is brought about through a medium and the hand
of man is clearly evident behind it.
The lightning that flashes in the rain is the same energy of the divine but it is not brought about by
man. If man becomes extinct the lightning will still flash across the sky but the electric bulb will no
longer work. Shaktipat is like the electric bulb in which man is the medium; grace is the lightning in
the sky that comes without the help of a medium.
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