Product Description
I do not know why you have come here. Perhaps you too, do not know. Most of us live in such
a way that we are not aware why we are living, where we are going and why. We do not ask of
ourselves, ”Why?” When our whole life is spent without asking these basic questions it is no wonder
if you all have come without knowing the purpose of your coming. Maybe a few of you know it, but
the possibility is very small.
We live and walk and see and hear in such a state of sleep, in such a state of deep unconsciousness
that we fail to see that which is. We fail to hear that which is said, and we fail to come in contact with
and experience that which surrounds us from all sides – within and without. So it is no wonder if you
have come here unknowingly, unaware.
We do not know why we are alive. And we are not aware of what we do – so much so that we are
not conscious even of our breathing.
But I well know why I am here. And that’s what I want to share with you.
Man’s quest continues through lives, and it is after the endeavor of countless lives that he gets a
glimpse of what we call bliss or peace or truth or God or moksha or nirvana – call it what you like,
although there is no word that can say it. One attains to it after many many lives. And all those
who seek it think that they are going to enjoy completely after they have found it; but they are very
mistaken. They find after attainment that it is just the beginning of a new labor, a new undertaking,
that there is no resting.
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