Product Description
Even when it was recognized that Sosan had become enlightened, he continued his old beggar’s
way. And nothing was special about him. He was an ordinary man, the man of Tao.
One thing I would like to say, and you have to remember it: Zen is a crossbreeding. And just as
more beautiful flowers can come out of crossbreeding, and more beautiful children are born out of
crossbreeding, the same has happened with Zen.
Zen is a crossbreeding between Buddha’s thought and Lao Tzu’s thought. It is a great meeting, the
greatest that ever took place. That’s why Zen is more beautiful than Buddha’s thought and more
beautiful than Lao Tzu’s thought. It is a tare flowering of the highest peaks and the meeting of those
peaks. Zen is neither Buddhist nor Taoist, but it carries both within it.
India is a little too serious about religion – a long past, a long weight on the mind of India, and
religion has become serious. Lao Tzu remained a laughingstock – Lao Tzu is known as the old fool.
He is not serious at all; you cannot find a more non-serious man
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