Product Description
Just be there and be totally there. It is not a question of where you are; the question is always of
being total or partial. Whenever you are partial, something goes on missing. But my feeling is that
you will be partial there too – because you could not be total here, so how can you be total there?
Here you have been thinking of somebody who is there; there you will think of me and things that
are here.
Partiality is the way of the mind. The mind can never be total in anything, because to be total means
to commit suicide; as far as the mind is concerned, it is a suicide. The mind is very clever in creating
new fragments. You are thinking that there you will be total, but you will be there – nobody else –
and this mind will be there – no other mind. If it cannot be total here, how can it be total there? Just
by changing places, nothing is changed; the mind remains unaffected by changing your place. The
mind has to be changed. If you had been total here then there would have been a possibility: you
could have hoped to be total there too. But try. Who knows? It may happen there.
And it is always so that whenever you are not with your lover great romantic ideas arise, and when
you are with your lover then all simply falls flat.
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