Product Description
It means a small shrine of love, a small hut of love, a small space for love. Prem
means love and kutera means a small place. And that’s all that a man needs to be fulfilled: if one
can become a small shrine, nothing is lacking.
The very phenomenon of love integrates you, and when love is missing, you start falling apart – it
is the glue that keeps you together. In fact it is the glue that keeps the whole existence together;
otherwise stars will fall apart, the trees will fall down, the earth will not care and no child will grow in
a womb.
It is love that keeps everything going, and the misery of man is that he has forgotten the language
of love. The reason why he has forgotten the language of love is: he has become too identified with
Nothing is wrong with reason but it has a tendency to monopolise; it clings to the whole of your
being. Then feeling suffers – feeling is starved, and by and by you forget about feeling completely.
So it goes on shrinking and shrinking and shrinking, and that dead feeling becomes a dead weight,
that feeling becomes a dead heart
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