Product Description
A sannyasin says: I’m not sure which direction to take – whether to go out more to people or to go
inside myself more. I’m not sure which is best for my growth.
Osho checks his energy.]
Good, come back. The energy is really good.
You have to do both. Choosing won’t be good. These are not alternatives – whether one should go
out, meet, mix with people, or should go in. Both are needed together. If you move towards one, you
will become lopsided. So sometimes go out, mix with people, forget yourself. Then really go out.
And make it part of meditation that going out is good. Balance is needed; choice is not needed. All
choice is wrong, because these are are not alternatives; they are complementaries. Together they
make the whole, and together they make you holy and healthy. Together they will heal you.
[Osho went on to say that people who are like monks could not be whole and healthy because they
were living just half lives, were rejecting life and other people…. ]
Even if they are silent, their silence is very poor. It is the silence of beggars. It is empty. It is simply
negative. It is not a fulfillment, it is not a benediction. It is not an overflowing ecstasy. They cannot
dance… they cannot sing.
And unless you can dance your way to god, you can never reach.
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