Product Description
THE great German philosopher, Arthur Schopenhauer, was on his death-bed in
much pain and suffering. One evening, just before he died, he cried loudly,’Ah,
my God!’
The doctor who Was attending to him was surprised because there was no place
for God in Schopenhauer’s philosophy. So he said, ‘Sir, is there any place for God
in your philosophy?’
Schopenhauer opened his eyes and said,’In suffering, philosophy without God is
The word ‘insufficient’ is very significant. Let us contemplate on it a little more.
Even on his death-bed, Schopenhauer remains a philosopher. A philosopher goes
on thinking about God, at the most, as a hypothesis: sufficient or insufficient? But
God remains, more or less, a hypothetical thing. God is not reality. Maybe the
concept is needed because it is difficult to explain many things without it, but the
hypothesis is a hypothesis and can be discarded at any moment. Any moment
that we can explain life without Him, We will be ready to explain life without
God is not life. Rather, He is a hypothesis to explain the mystery of life. A
hypothesis is a need of ignorance. When man becomes more and more
knowledgeable, the darkness of ignorance is pushed away more and more. God
will be thrown, God will be dethroned because then He will not be needed.
Schopenhauer says,’In suffering, a philosophy without God is insufficient.’ In
suffering man feels his helplessness: fear, death, pain, and there is no explanation
for it. The suffering is so much, and unexplained. Then one cries out of fear,
anguish, anxiety, ‘Ah God, my God!’ But this God is bogus. It may be a need of
human frailty, human limitation; it may be a need of human weakness, human
helplessness, but it is not reality
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