Product Description
The story of man is the story of a search for treasures. Most
search for material wealth, the purchasable commodity. But
a few, a rare few, search for something far greater, far more
vast. For them the greatest treasure is the gift of truth and
beauty, the timeless gems that make life worth living.
This three-volume concordance, simply called The Book,
is that timeless treasure. One-of-a-kind, this sweeping compendium of wisdom, insight, humor, and deep understanding, uttered with the fragrance of poetry by the world’s most
beautiful Master, Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh, is a Master work.
Easily readable and simply organized these three volumes
present the genius of the Master, Bhagwan, in a condensed
format, retaining the essence of His teachings and His vision.
Distilled in this set of books is the panorama of man’s
existence, his reality, and answers to his most perplexing
problems. Pick a subject and, in a moment, you can almost
be walking in the shoes of the Master.
The first volume comprises approximately seven hundred
pages and contains subject headings from “A” to “H”. Each
subject area, placed in alphabetical order, contains one or
more passages taken directly from the 192 English-language
volumes of Bhagwan’s discourses and darshans.
As much at home on your bedstand as in a library, this
priceless treasure chest is fascinating and fun.
For the seeker and the scholar, the curious and the convinced it is, above all else, a living testament to man’s
longing to understand and give meaning to his life.
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