Product Description
Meditation can either be a twenty-four-hour affair or it cannot be at all. It is like breathing: you cannot
breathe for one hour and then put it aside for twenty-three hours, otherwise you will be dead. You
have to go on breathing. Even while you are asleep you have to go on breathing. Even in a deep
coma you have to go on breathing.
Meditation is the breath of your soul. Just as breathing is the life of the body, meditation is the life of
the soul.
The people who are not aware of meditation are spiritually dead.
George Gurdjieff used to say that very few people have souls – and he is right. One is born not with
a soul but only with a seed which can grow into a soul – which may not grow. It will depend on you.
You will have to create the right soil, the right climate for it to grow, to bloom. You will have to provoke
the spring into coming to you so that your soul can flower, otherwise you are just a body-mind. The
soul is only an empty word. Meditation makes it a reality. Meditation is the climate in which the soul
Zen is another name for meditation. The word zen comes from the Sanskrit root dhyan – it has
traveled far. Dhyan means a state of absolute silence, of thoughtless silence, but full of awareness.
Even the thought that ”I am aware” is enough to distract you from your meditation. Even to know
that ”I am in meditation” is enough to destroy it.
A state of meditation is an innocent, silent state. You are blissfully unaware of your awareness. You
are, but you are utterly relaxed. You are not in a state of sleep; you are fully alert, more alert than
ever. You are alertness, rather.
Dhyan is the greatest contribution of the East to the evolution of humanity
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