Product Description
MAN is a paradox. And man is the only animal, the only being, that is paradoxical – that is man’s
uniqueness. Man’s special being is his innermost paradox. All other animals are non-paradoxical.
A tree is a tree, and a dog is a dog, but man is never in a state of isness. He is always becoming,
growing. Man is always surpassing himself; that is his paradox. And it is at his very core of being.
It is not accidental, it is very fundamental. Once you understand this paradox you have your first
glimpse about human-ness – what man is.
Man is always a project, a becoming. His being consists of becoming – this is the paradox. He is
always between that which he was and that which he is going to be. He is always between his past
and future – a bridge hanging between two eternities, the past and the future. He is a surpassing, a
continuous surpassing. Man is never content with that which he is; he is trying to go beyond, always
trying to go beyond. Whatsoever he is doing, all his effort is basically how to become something
more, something higher, something better.
Man is a progress, a wayfarer, a pilgrim – and his life is a pilgrimage, a non-ending pilgrimage, that
goes on and on. A dog is born, a tree is born…. The tree is born with all its tree-ness and the dog is
born with all its dog-ness. Man is not a given fact; man is born only with a possibility, with a potential.
Man is born as a blank, as a nothingness; nothing is written
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